Dean Hervochon

Passwords — Never Forget Another Password — Ever!

Do you have problems remembering your passwords? I don’t anymore! You’re not alone and hacking and “phishing” into your accounts is a real threat to you so you better get your passwords in order.  The best passwords contain letters, numbers and punctuation symbols / characters. You should not have the same password for all of …

Passwords — Never Forget Another Password — Ever! Read More »

The Perfect Gift To Bring Your Friend’s Kids — And It’s Not Night-Time Cough Syrup!

Bring The Perfect Gift To Your Friend’s Kids! If you’re lamenting about what to bring as a gift to a friend’s house and they happen to have younger kids, you’re in luck!  There are some amazing DVDs out that will entertain the kids for hours and they’re pretty inexpensive.  They range from $10.00 to $15.00. …

The Perfect Gift To Bring Your Friend’s Kids — And It’s Not Night-Time Cough Syrup! Read More »

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