Split Heels? Super Glue!

I’m Not A Doctor…But!

Split Heel — OUCH!  This is about the size of split you can close-up with the glue

If you’re like me, when summer comes along, I start wearing my flip-flops and it initially plays hell on my heels because I don’t moisture enough. My feet get very dry and inevitably, I’ll get a “split” or two on the back of my heels (that caption to the right is not my heel — I’d never let them get THAT dry and gross!). OUCH! You wanna talk about something that is painful?  Each step reminds you that your heel is in bad shape and it feels like it’s splitting more as you trod along. It makes you miserable.

I have a solution!  Superglue your cracked heels closed! You heard it right, Superglue. Like I said, I’m not a doctor but when I was on vacation with a dermatologist, a friend had the split-heel issue. The doctor told my friend to get some Superglue and then the he GLUED my friend’s split heel together.  My friend stood up and was amazed that it worked and how great it felt  — immediately.  Do this only if you’re a healthy adult. If you’ve got circulatory issues or other medical issues, I’d ask my doctor first.  If the split is really deep or you have a number of splits — don’t be Dr. Frankenstein on yourself — just go to the doctor.

Super Glue To The Rescue!

Here’s How You Do It:

1. Make sure your heels are clean, clean, clean. Inside the split should be washed several times with soap and water and then cleaned with hydrogen peroxide.  Did I say clean it?  You don’t want an infection.

2. Dry the heels completely before applying the glue.  Maybe use a blow dryer on low to make sure you get the inside of the split as dry as possible.

3. Use a new tube of Superglue to avoid germs.  Don’t get the kind of glue that you have to mix with another compound to make it work — you want to be able to just squeeze the glue right into the split.

4. Pull the split apart a little, apply the Superglue and squeeze the heel together for about a minute or so — be careful not to get it on your fingers or you’ll loose your fingerprints for awhile!

5. As soon as the glue dries (and it dries really fast), stand up, thank me and let me know how it worked for you!  You’ll think you’ve been to Lourdes.

Like I said, I’ve done it a number of times and I’ve never had one problem with it.

ONCE AGAIN: Like anything concerning your body, if you DO have a problem with your heels after trying this, get to the doctor!

A friend had the cracked heel issue and it’s best to avoid getting your feet in that condition in the first place.  He recommends a lotion with 25% Urea in it called ‘Flexitol Heel Balm’. It does take several weeks of use to get results; the old skin just falls off.  He also uses a Ped Egg to get rid of all the old skin as well. That combination made his heels normal again. Alrighty then!

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15 thoughts on “Split Heels? Super Glue!”

  1. What a clever and creative idea, Dean! I had pretty bad heels in the past and they used to crack quite a bit as well. Never had them split open but I’m sure that happens a lot. None of the creams and lotions worked until I started using something with 25% Urea in it called ‘Flexitol Heel Balm’. It does take several weeks of use and then the old skin just falls off. I also have to use a Ped Egg to get rid of all the old skin as well. That combination has made my heels normal again.

    Hopefully I’ll never have to use your Super Glue solution on my heels, but I know it’s there! I do use Super Glue when I have a paper cut on my fingers. Been doing that for years…

      1. No problemo! Love the website and your helpful tips. All is well here in Albuquerque, with the exception of the drought. Please send some rain our way…

        1. Dean Hervochon

          Did you notice I learned to spell “HEEL” correctly? Thanks for sending the initial comment….

  2. Hi Dean! My prevention tip is 100% pure shea butter–you can buy it in bars, and when you get out of the shower, just rub that puppy all over your heels and cover up with socks–15 minutes later, peel of the socks and you have brand new feet. You can do this overnight too, but I like putting it on feet soft from the shower. The only thing to be aware of is those socks will be greasy, so designate a pair of shea socks. Don’t use “shea butter lotion” get pure shea butter that melts with your body temp. Thanks for all the great tips! I love your fan idea for mosquitos!!

  3. Thank your for the tip for dry cracked feet. I have come across an article about a product call heel vitality to help heel dry cracked feet. The company is stating that it is all natural and had a five star rating with users. I never order much off of the internet but the article was really convincing. I order a bottle and it work great. I would highly recommend this product for your feet. The web site is heelvitality.com

  4. Thanks for all the tips Dean, your website is fabulous! A great product I tried and really really cures cracked heel is “Miracle Foot Repair” with Aloe, I got it at Marshalls, but you could get it online, it works wonders!, I had tried everything including natural shea butter, vaseline, Heeltastic, you name it, with the Miracle Foot Repair you see the results with just a couple of uses, I use it when I shower at night and in the morning.

  5. This is an excellent tip!!! I work in a salon and there’s been many times me and my co-workers have nipped ourselves with scissors doing haircuts. Sometimes band-aids aren’t the best solution because your working with damp hair and sometimes even waterproof band-aids will slide right off. So we clean it, put some 5-second nail glue (cousin to Super Glue), and we can go back to our haircuts without missing a beat. It eventually works it’s way off little by little as the cut heals. This also works if you accidentally cut yourself when chopping vegetables and what-not.

  6. Ok, I’ve worked standing on my feet for many years. Believe me when I tell you I know the importance of taking care of my feet. I use an abrasive pedi-block in the shower and keep my feet moisturized with cream before I go to bed. If my callouses get a little thick on my heels I use a pedi-egg to remove the dead skin. Even doing all of that I somehow got a crack on my heel this summer. I didn’t know what to do. I removed as much of the dead skin on both sides of the crack as I could and put an antibacterial cream and bandage at night but it wouldn’t go away and boy-oh-boy did it hurt when I walked. First thing in the morning when I hopped out of bed I was immediately reminded that it was there.
    I had been searching the web for ways to fix it and I read your article. Needless to say I was a bit skeptical but I was also desperate so I tried the super glue idea.
    As soon as the glue dried and I stood up I knew it worked!! That sharp, penetrating, burning pain was gone.
    I very rarely take the time to comment on websites but I had to share my appreciation with you.
    This remedy definitely works!!
    Thank you so much!!

  7. Ok, I’ve worked standing on my feet for many years. Believe me when I tell you I know the importance of taking care of my feet. I use an abrasive pedi-block in the shower and keep my feet moisturized with cream before I go to bed. If my callouses get a little thick on my heels I use a pedi-egg to remove the dead skin. Even doing all of that I somehow got a crack on my heel this summer. I didn’t know what to do. I removed as much of the dead skin on both sides of the crack as I could and put an antibacterial cream and bandage at night but it wouldn’t go away and boy-oh-boy did it hurt when I walked. First thing in the morning when I hopped out of bed I was immediately reminded that it was there.
    I had been searching the web for ways to fix it and I read your article. Needless to say I was a bit skeptical but I was also desperate so I tried the super glue idea.
    As soon as the glue dried and I stood up I knew it worked!! That sharp, penetrating, burning pain was gone.
    I very rarely take the time to comment on websites but I had to share my appreciation with you.

  8. It worked! Dealt with weeks of pain caused by one tiny crack on each heel. Barely visible and I used superglue for 3 nights in a row. I bought a case of 12 at HD for $6.! Hopefully, they’ll last awhile in case it flares up again.

  9. OMG this article is really a life saver!
    I have had the cracked heel issue for at least three years, probably from the pregnancy weight gain and too much slippers wearing.
    I have made efforts to moist my heels and use sand stone to remove dead skin everytime I shower. It worked a bit, the other part of my heels look good. However there are two very-deep-sometimes-bleeding cracks on each of my heels, no matter what I do they just won’t heal! until I saw this article..
    I have just done this superglue procedure like 5 mins ago and my cracks healed! for the first time in 3 years I can walk without feeling painful…

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